Thursday, 27 October 2016

A little slow, because life happens and I am garbage

A kind reader tipped me off that there was something screwed up with link navigation in the R100/R101 posts. I'm not sure what exactly the problem was (blogspot upgraded to https while I writing the series, and the resulting technical twitches might've borked the links) but something was up. One of the chapters vanished from the sidebar as well. Anyway, I've gone through and fixed the links at the bottom of the page, and you can now find everything on the sidebar again. The metatags work as well if you are looking for different chapters. If you spot anything else wrong, please don't hesitate to comment/drop me a note.

Oh, and I'm nearly done not one, but two new aeronautical nerd-posts on two different subjects. If you read that and ask "why didn't you finish one so we could read that while you did another", well, see above.