Monday 6 January 2014

Important Videos for Pilots (Well, Kyle and Rebecca anyway)

So since I started my new job I've made two new friends there who are pilots in training. (Well, one is a pilot in training - the other is in fact a pilot instructor.) While I'm so not a pilot myself, here are videos I want them to see. Explanations are beneath the video, which are almost always how it was explained to me on a certain web forum where I hang out with people who actually understand flying.

1."Guys I'm Concerned"

 A fully loaded C-5 is flown into the ground by astonishing failure. A "thrust reverser not secure" warning light comes on shortly after takeoff, prompting a turn around. The pilot sets the affected engine to idle, only to confuse the throttle settings and idle a fine engine instead. Then, the crew sets the flaps to 90% a setting reserved for "literally about to touch down on the runway" on a big plane that really doesn't need any flaps with a full load and engines missing. Crew survived the crash, but at least one was critically injured.

 2. Hot and High Part 1: What to Do

 3. Hot and High Part 2: What Not to Do Four men fly a tiny plane into the mountains to go hiking in the morning. By noon or early afternoon, they are ready to return, only now it is really hot. Instead of waiting, they decide to chance it out anyway (I mean the pilot is using an Ipad! What could go wrong?) Everybody survived, though the pilot needed a fair bit of surgery after.  

4. How Not To Build a Kit Airplane Man treats building his own airplane like restoring an old Buick Grand National, fortunately he only kills himself and not his whole family.

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