Tuesday 2 July 2024

Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said: Chapter 17-18

Chapter Seventeen

[This chapter is a page and a half]

The uniformed policewoman, Peggy, has come to collect the now sleepy Jason, as the General walks him to the door of this section. The General reminds Jason that he can't do anything if somebody voids his police pass, and he is going to have to re-apply for all his IDs, which apparently requires "invasive interrogation." He gives Jason a friendly punch on the shoulder, assuring him "a Six can take it."

Back in his office, Felix orders Jason bugged, some sort of killswitch installed on him, and a microphone installed in his throat, if they can do it without Jason noticing. He also orders 24 hour surveillance on Heather Hart, 24 hour surveillance on all known Sixes in whatever his jurisdiction is, and asks Herb to pull all the files on all Sixes. This is just in case the Sixes are politically organizing again. 

Chapter 18

Jason, free in the morning sun, takes a breath of smoggy air. To his side, a woman asks him "how now, little man?"

This is of course Alys, still in her pre-punk punk getup. The phrase is a play on Jason's recorded voice recognition phrase "how now brown cow", which Alys heard earlier. She's over six foot, like Jason, and has gold zodiac symbols in her teeth. She immediately begin talking about her brother's ways: nice, then slip all that tracker shit on you. She tells Jason he has a fusion explosive device on him somewhere.

Jason puts it together "Oh, General Buckman is your brother?" He sees the resemblance between the two. Jason then remembers Alys is quite likely also a seven. Alys offers to remove all that junk off of Jason, and Jason accepts...despite accepting a few hours earlier that such things were part of the price he pays for freedom.

In Alys's quibble Alys takes some stuff she filched from the police HQ: a detector to find the bomb, and a multitool surgical device (with automatic topical antiseptic action) to cut it out. Jason thanks her for removing the thorn from his paw. Alys comments that Felix always keeps his hands clean, and makes his staff do the dirty work. "I really hate him" Alys says. She then takes a hand size strobe light, finds his micro tracker, and puts a pin through it. The vocal recorder fell off, so Jason is now deloused, so to speak.

Alys asks who Jason is, and he replies "an unperson." Soon she figures he's McNulty's mystery man. Alys actually interrogates Jason slightly, and gets him to admit he knew *slightly* more than the police had. (Jason, absurdly, feels a little guilty he didn't tell the whole story to General Felix; he wonders if maybe Felix couldn't have actually gotten to the bottom of what happened to Jason.) Alys asks if he wants to go over to Felix's house. Jason senses acute danger as Alys explains that it is her house too. Alys wants to show Jason all the cool stuff they have in Felix's "billion dollar castle." She also spots that Jason is a Six. Jason decides that the extreme police surveillance that will follow him actually makes him a little safer in this scenario, and agrees to go.

They take off in the quibble, and it sports a double-power police engine. While Alys is flying, she tells Jason to get one thing very clear: if he makes any sexual advances to Alys at all, she will kill him. Jason notices that Alys is strapped with whatever kinda ray gun the police usually carry. He gives a Ten-Four to that, but then starts thinking about what Alys' orientation actually is. Alys seems to guess where Jason's mind is going, and tells him that all her sexuality is tied up with her brother, Felix. Oh yeah, they've been in an incestuous relationship for like five years now, they have a three year old boy, lives in Flordia.

Jason's composure is blown away by this. His first coherent question is why the fuck is Alys even telling Jason this.

She responds she's been a fan of Jason Taverner for a very long time, she has all his albums and everything. She gestures to the Quibble's back seat, and yep, there's nine of Jason's ten albums. Having fragged Jason's mind entirely, they arrive at the house. 

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